the videos I have been presenting on YouTube are under the banner: PAINT FOR YOUR SOUL​
these videos are mostly for ANYONE who wants to learn to take time out for themselves to nurture their soul.
I used these techniques in my own Art Journal Books while I was undergoing treatment for cancer. I would like you to know how
beneficial it was to my HEALING and WELL-BEING to have this activity to keep my mind off of my illness.
These videos are fantastic THERAPY for ANYONE who is ill, or has had surgery which keeps them inactive physically.
NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED......YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE AN ARTIST to have great success in this activity for mindfulness and
distraction. I find it better than a written journal becuase when my book is completed I will have enjoyable paintings to look at
anytime I like for years to come. Each painting will put me back into a 'Happy Place'.
I highly recommend it!!!
I hope to see you here:
Art Journal Fun
open spreads from small Watercolour Book

*continues first week of Jan. 2025
Tiny Soul Book
open spreads in 'Super Tiny' Watercolour Book

Tiny =BIG Soul Book
open spreads in 2nd 'Super Tiny' Watercolour Book

STILL tiny Book
open spreads in 3rd 'Super Tiny' Watercolour Book

DIY Accordion Art Journal
series: an accordion sketchbook from Watercolour paper
-with fun pockets and hidden pull-outs